
People’s Indictment (Update with video)

FOR WAR CRIMES PERPETRATED BY THE 174TH ATTACK WING OF THE NEW YORK NATIONAL GUARD AT HANCOCK AIR FORCE BASE, SYRACUSE, NY Video recorded by Charley Bowman of Buffalo, NY.   Speaking: Ed Kinane, Julianne Oldfield, Dan Burgevin. Since 2010 the 174th Attack Wing, via satellite, has been remotely piloting weaponized MQ9 Reaper drones over Afghanistan – perhaps the poorest and […]

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War Crimes Indictment for Good Friday

WAR CRIMES INDICTMENT WAR_CRIMES_INDICTMENT_Good_Friday_2017.pdf Indictment read by Matt Ryan, recorded by Judy Bello: To President Donald Trump, to Secretary of Defense Secretary James Mattis, to the full Military Chain of the Command, including Command Chief Michael Will, to all Service Members and civilian staff of Hancock Air Base, and to the local police and Sheriffs Department of the Town […]

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Taking Responsibility for Drone Killings

Taking Responsibility for Drone Killings President Obama and the Fog of War by Brian Terrell, reprinted from Voices for Creative Nonviolence When President Barack Obama apologized on April 23 to the families of Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto, an American and an Italian, both hostages killed in a drone attack in Pakistan in January, he blamed their tragic deaths […]

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