Unveiling of Rob Shetterly’s Portrait of Daniel Hale
Peace Action and Veterans for Peace of Broome County NY held a very nice event for our heroic killer drone whistleblower, Daniel Hale, at Cornell, an Ivy League university in Ithaca NY, on Armistice Day, November 11, 2021.
After a year of planning, the solidarity group of Peace Action of Broome County NY and Veterans for Peace of Broome County joined forces to have a heart, soul, and mind-touching event to celebrate seventeen American truth-tellers. Artist Rob Shetterly’s portraits (over 250 to date) of Americans Who Tell the Truth is a traveling art museum.
Broome County (NY) Peace Action and Broome County Veterans for Peace Chapter 90 showed the seventeen portraits (each 37 x31 inches) for weeks at Broome County Public Library, then at Maine-Endwell High School, and for the whole month of November at Cornell’s College of Human Ecology. Sixteen of the portraits were selected by vote after an intense study of all Americans Who Tell the Truth easily found at www.americanswhotellthetruth.org.
Members of Chapter 90 of Veterans for Peace and Broome County Peace Action, Maine-Endwell HighSchool librarian and students, Cornell Human Ecology faculty, and some students studied Shetterly’s portraits and text and voted for sixteen individuals to show. Veterans for Peace of Broome County and Peace Action Broome County added Daniel Hale to the group selection.
On Armistice Day, 2021, artist Rob Shetterly spoke with passion about his selection of truth-tellers to paint from Sojourners Truth to his most recent subject, Daniel Hale. Hale is now in federal prison for telling the truth about the United States assassination program, a remote execution project labeled as a war on terror. The portrait of Daniel Hale, resting on a large easel, was the focus of our event at Cornell. Daniel’s portrait was unveiled during the well-attended ceremony in the small gallery of Martha Van Rensselaer Hall.
Veterans for Peace and Peace Action of Broome County, NY encourage other national chapters of our organizations to make the effort to get a selection of Shetterly’s truth-teller portraits of Americans Who Tell the Truth into public libraries and schools.
For more information about how to do this, contact Rob Shetterly at americanswhotellthetruth.org or write Jack Gilroy at jgilroy1955@gmail.org to learn how our upstate New York solidarity team organized our two-month exhibit.