Press Release and Schedule for Delivering Merchants of Death Subpoenas, April 21, 2023
Press Release: For Immediate Release
Contact: Jack Gilroy 607-321-8537 jgilroy1955@gmail.com
Mary Anne Grady Flores 607-280-8797 gradyflores08@gmail.com
Join us! Guest Speaker: Medea Benjamin of Code Pink
Friday! April 21st, EARTH DAY Actions in Syracuse sponsored by UpstateDroneAction.
SUBPOENAS WILL BE DELIVERED TO MERCHANTS OF DEATH (e.g. LOCKHEED) and their allies, calling them to give account at the November Merchants of Death Tribunal for making huge profits from war while causing the suffering of millions of victims and severe destruction to the earth and all her creatures. The Earth and her people cry out for relief. No More Weapons for War! Lockheed is the world’s largest weapons dealer and profiteer. Their CEO is on the NATO board. All countries who sign on must spend 5% of their GDP buying Lockheed weapons and parts. According to Vets for Peace, the US military has the largest institutional output of greenhouse gases, more than 145 countries combined, supplying 800 US bases around the world, sending rockets to put satellites to conduct all our wars and surveillance. Lockheed feeds the beast of war. We go to the gates of Lockheed, Merchant of Death to say Peace is the Way. “We used to make weapons for war! Now we make wars for weapons!”
- (Part 1) @ 12 noon -1:30 pm (1 1/2 hrs)
- BREAK & LUNCH 1:45 – 3 pm (1 1/4 hr)
- (Part 2) @ 3:15 – 4:30 pm (1 1/4 hr.)
Part 1 Downtown:
Guest Speakers:
Medea Benjamin, Diane Sare
(Street Theatre & Delivery of Subpoenas to allies of Merchants of Death)
Special Appearances:
Drummers, Trumpeters, Fat Cats in Top Hats, Senators & the Pope!
1st Stop: 12 noon @ Federal Bldg,
Sen. Schumer & Gillibrand’s Offices.
(Senator allies of Pentagon contractor, Lockheed).
– 100 S Clinton St, Syracuse, NY 13261 (park across from Fed. Bldg)
————— then walk 2 blocks
2nd Stop: 12:30 pm Chase Bank
(Major investor in Merchants of Death, weapons contractors).
– 110 W. Fayette St. (near Washinton St.) address correction confirmed by Ann Tiffany.
————— then walk 5 or 6 blocks
3rd Stop -1 pm Syracuse Diocese Office
(Calling Catholic Bishop Lucia to not be silent on issues of war-making & drone killing.)
– 240 E Onondaga St, Syracuse, NY 13202
BREAK & LUNCH 1:45 – 3 pm
(Tuna & Egg Salad, Rum Cake, & any goodies you bring)
Ed Kinane & Ann Tiffany’s Home
– 340 Midland Ave, Syracuse, NY 13202
————— 14 minutes or 7.4 miles to Lockheed from Ed & Ann’s house
Part 2 – The Immediate Perpetrators
4th Stop – 3:15 -3:45 pm (1/2 hr.) Lockheed Martin
(World’s Largest Weapons Dealer & Profiteer)
– 497 Electronics Pkwy, Liverpool, NY 13088
————— then drive 15- 20 mins to Hancock Base
5th Stop – 4 – 4:30 pm (1/2 hr.) Hancock Drone Assassination Base
– 6001 E Molloy Rd, Syracuse, NY 13211
Map with Directions from Ann & Ed’s house to Lockheed.