Hancock Litany for Good Friday
Written by Jack Gilroy…www.bensalmon.org
Good Friday Prayer for 174th Attack Wing
Video by Judy Bello
Men of the 174th Attack Wing, Stop the Killing
Women of the 174th Attack Wing, Stop the Killing
Men & Women of the 174th Attack Wing, Stop Drone Crucifixions
Men & women of the 174th Attack Wing,—Leave the Military
People of Iraq
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Afghanistan
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Pakistan
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Syria
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Yemen
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Libya
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Somalia
Forgive us our Killer Drones
People of Gaza
Forgive us our Killer Drones
Our Tax Dollars for Death
Forgive Us
Slaughtered Native Americans
Forgive Us
Teaching Hate
Forgive Us
Our Sins against our Black brothers and sisters
Forgive Us
Tortured people of the Philippines
Forgive Us
United States invasions of Mexico
Forgive Us
United States invasions of Haiti
Forgive Us
United States invasions of Nicaragua
Forgive Us
United States imperialism in Latin America
Forgive Us
United States killings in the Great War
Forgive Us
60 Million dead in World War II
Forgive Us
Calling 60 Million dead a ‘Good War’
Forgive Us
Believing War can be Just
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Christian Churches’ Silence in Nazi Germany
Forgive Us
German Catholic Bishops’ silence
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Lutheran Church Silence
Forgive Us
Dresden Fire Bombed
Forgive Us
Hiroshima Incinerated
Forgive Us
Nagasaki Destroyed
Forgive Us
Nagasaki Cathedral Ground Zero
Forgive Us
All Christian Crews Do Bombing
Forgive Us
38,000 Americans Died in World War II
Forgive Us
1 Million North Korean Soldiers & Civilians Killed
Forgive Us
United States Kills 3 Million Vietnamese
Forgive Us
58,000 American Troops Killed in Vietnam
Forgive Us
Dow Chemical’s Agent Orange Devastates People and Land of Vietnam
Forgive Us
American Napalm Burns Vietnamese Children
Forgive Us
Trillions Spent on Nuclear Weapons & War Preparation
Forgive Us
United States Supports El Salvador Death Camps
Forgive Us
United States CIA Helps Assassinate 250,000 People in Guatamala
Forgive Us
United States Creates a Torture & Assassination School at Fort Benning, GA
Forgive Us
Graduates of the School of the Americas Kill Peasants and Union Leaders
Forgive Us
Graduates of the School of the Americas Kill Priests & Nuns
Forgive Us
US Troops IN 180 Countries Around the World
Forgive Us
US Led Sanctions Kill 500,000 Iraqi Children
Forgive Us
United States Slaughters Fleeing Iraqi Soldiers
Forgive Us
US Troops Stationed in Muslim Countries
Forgive Us
Invasion and Occupation of Afghanistan
Forgive Us
Shock and Awe Bombings of Iraq Kill Civilians by the Thousands
Forgive Us
Two Million People Flee American War Making in Iraq
Forgive Us
American Violence Spreads Throughout The Middle East
Forgive Us
Refugees Die in the Deserts & on the Sea Fleeing Wars Promoted by the United States
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United States Rejects Middle East Refugees
Forgive Us
Islamophobia Sweeps the Nation
Forgive Us
United States Drones Assassinate People in Seven Muslim Nations
Forgive Us
One Half Our National Spending is for Death & Weapons
Forgive Us
Weapons Are Our Largest Export
Forgive Us
United States in Year 2017 Will Cut Assistance to the Poor & Children’s Programs
Forgive Us
Building Walls Instead of Empathy and Generosity
Forgive Us
Our Bloated Military Budget Will be Increased $54 Billion This Year
Forgive Us
Republicans & Democrats Praise Trump for Killing Syrians
Forgive Us
Aaaaa men…..Aaaaaa men….Amen Amen Amen