Drone News Archive
- Drone News and Analysis(#) [ See 2011, 2012-Q2 ]
April, 2012
- # The Dissenter, 04/30: In the Face of CIA Drone Strikes, Pakistan is Powerless
- Russia Today, 04/30: Drone strikes are back: US and Pakistan fighting over extrajudicial murders
[ Pakistani Official: "When a duly elected democratic Parliament says three times not to do this,
and the U.S. keeps doing it, it undermines democracy," ] - Global Post, 04/30: John Brennan, top Obama aide, says drone strikes are legal and ethical
- Chron.com Houston/ AP, 04/29: Officials: Expanded drone strikes approved
[ New Policy: a professional can tell an important al Qaeda figure by his actions even if he doesn't know his name ] - Washington Post, 04/29: U.S. drone strikes resume in Pakistan; action may complicate vital negotiations
- Alternet, 04/29: Drone strike kills four suspected militants in Pakistan
- CNN, 04/29: Pakistani officials: Suspected U.S. drone strike kills militants hiding in high school
- The Independent (UK), 04/29: Spy in the sky: Is it only a matter of time before drone technology is used in civil society?
- Press TV (Iran), 04/28: US drone war in Mideast wreaks havoc on American national security: Analyst
- The Daily Mail, 04/24: Is there a drone in your neighbourhood?
[ Nice Interactive Maps] - # Commondreams, 4/23: 33 Arrested Outside Drone Base in New York State
- # War is a Crime, 4/24: U.S. relents and grants Pakistani lawyer visa in time for International Drone Summit
- # War is a Crime, 4/24: Who’s Blocking Drone Protest at Hancock AFB
- ** Albany Times Union, 4/23: Activist brings campaign against drones to Albany
- ** Channel 9 News (Syracuse), 4/22: Live Coverage: Prostests Lead to Arrests
- ** Syracuse Post Standard, 4/22: Update: 33 military protesters arrested in DeWitt near Hancock Air Base
- # Firedoglake, The Dissenter, 4/22: Drone Protesters Preemptively Arrested Before Reaching Hancock Air Force Base
- Air Force Times, 4/21: Demand grows for UAV pilots, sensor operators
- Forbes, 4/20: FAA Coughs Up Info On Where Drones Are Being Flown And Who's Flying Them
- Electronic Frontiers Foundation, 4/19: FAA Releases Lists of Drone Certificates—Many Questions Left Unanswered
- Xinhua (China), 4/18: Drone completes military mapping mission in NW China
- Washington Post, 4/18: CIA seeks new authority to expand Yemen drone campaign
- Public Radio International, 4/16: Pakistan building its own fleet of military drones
- Rolling Stone, 4/16: The Rise of the Killer Drones: How America Goes to War in Secret
- # Salon.com, 4/13: Drone activist denied visa
[Sign the Petition Linked to this article] - The Guardian, 04/13: Lawyer for victims of CIA drone strikes in Pakistan again denied entry to US
- Reuters, 04/13: Scaled-back Pakistan drone strikes reflect success: U.S. official
- USA Today (Also, Dawn/Pakistan), 04/13: U.S. officials: Drone strikes will go on in Pakistan
- # Common Dreams, 04/13: Nuclear Power for the Skies Spells Peril for Those Below
- # Common Dreams, 04/13: Obama Administration Silencing Pakistani Drone-Strike Lawyer
- New York Times, 04/12: Pakistan Gives U.S. a List of Demands, Including an End to C.I.A. Drone Strikes
- BBC, 04/12: Inside America's Drone HQ
- # Black Agenda Report, 04/11: Obama’s Drones Threaten World Civilization
- Politico, 04/11: The coming drone arms race
- We Meant Well, 04/11: State Department to Acquire Own Drone Fleet
- Wired, 04/11: FAA Grounds $75,000 Surveillance Drone Due to Crowded Skies
- Reuters, 04/10: U.S. suspends Seychelles drone flights after crashes
- Los Angeles Times, 04/10: Navy grounds helicopter drones after two crashes in a week
- UPI.com, 04/09: China increases naval UAV use
- Washington Post, 04/07: U.S. intelligence gains in Iran seen as boost to confidence
[Smug, entitled, 3 years of Drone Surveillance acknowledged.
When did it become fashionable to brag about the details of covert operations?] - # Counterpunch, 04/05: The Drone and the Cross, A Good Friday Meditation
- Government Security News, 04/06: Drone opponents launch nationwide tour in Brooklyn
- USA News, 04/05: Expert: Ability to Disable Drones Needed Before They Become Terrorist Weapons
- Sacramento Bee, 04/05: National Drones Tour Begins April 12
[Nick Mottern brings model drones and clear information to communities across the country,
and encourages people to confront their legislators on the subject] - Yahoo News, 04/05: The Endless Potential of Flying Robots
- Guardian (UK), 04/04: US Draws Up Plans for Nuclear Drones
- # Dailey Kos, 04/03: LA Times Editors Cut Impact of Killing on Combat Stress
- # Salon.com, 04/03: Boredom, terror, deadly mistakes: Secrets of the new drone war
- The Globe and Mail (Canada), 04/02: Privacy czar sounds alarm on drones patrolling U.S. border
- Huffington Post, 04/01: Drones Coming to a Sky Near You as Interest Surges
- March, 2012
- National Affairs (Australia), 03/28: Cocos Islands airfield not ready for spy drones, says Stephen Smith
[To fly over China. Bet they find a way to finance it.] - The Business Insider, 03/28: New 'Drone Studies' Major Has Graduates Starting At $120,000 A Year
[The rollout of Drone Programs will be run by new grads with 6 figure incomes.] - # Truthout, 03/27: Maxwell's Hammer Redux: Syracuse University and the Effort to Break Down the Rule of Law
- Brookings, 03/19: Deadly Drone Strike on Muslims in the Southern Philippines
- Der Speigel, 3/15: Are Obama's Efforts to Justify Drone Warfare Aimed at Iran?
- # AntiWar.com, 3/12: Yemen: US Drone Strikes Killed at Least 64
- Outlook (India), 3/12: The Unheard Drone
- BBC UK, 3/11: William Hague facing legal action over drone strikes
- Herald Tribune, 3/07: The case against drone attacks
- Bloomberg, 3/06: Holder’s Terrorism Talk Leaves U.S. in the Dark on Drones: View
- NPR Morning Edition, 3/06: Holder Spells Out Why Drones Target U.S. Citizens
- Brookings Research, 03/05: Deadly Drone Strike on Muslims in the Southern Philippines
- Washington Post Opinion, 3/05: It's Time to Release the Drone Memos
- Canada.com, 3/05: Labrador asks Harper to pony up on promised drone squadron
- Quaker House Newsletter, Pg 2, Winter 2012: Drone Pilot Feels PTSD, Calls GI Hotline for Help
- The Nation (Pakistan), 3/05: Drone Attacks
- ** Syracuse Post Standard, 3/04: Col. Greg Semmel saluted by 1,800 people as he takes command of 174th Fighter Wing
- The Examiner (Houston), 3/04: Drone crashes into SWAT team tank during police test near Houston
- Mail Online, 3/03: RAF accused of covering up almost 150 airstrikes on Taliban by unmanned drones
- NPR, 3/03: What Does Obama's Foreign Policy Stand For?
- Science A Go Go, 3/01: Supersonic UAV with sub-$100k price tag mooted
- Foreign Policy, 3/01: The 'willy-nilly' drone doctrine
- # Counterpunch, 3/01: Drone Strikes? What’s To Feel Bad About?
- National Affairs (Australia), 03/28: Cocos Islands airfield not ready for spy drones, says Stephen Smith
- February, 2012
- Series from Time blog "Battleland" evaluating Reaper MQ-9 Drones, 02/29-03/03:
- ABC (Australia Broadcast Co), 2/29: Activists question legality of US drone operations
- # Common Dreams 2/29: The Ghost and the Machine: Drone Warfare and Accountability
- Drone Wars UK, 2/29: UK Drone Strikes: Peeking Behind the Curtain
- # Institute for Public Accuracy, 2/29: War Protests: From Afghanistan to Hancock Air Base — to Prison?
- ** Syracuse Post Standard, 2/29: Five last drone protesters are sentenced in DeWitt
- Boston Globe, 2/29: Group demands DOJ memo authorizing drone strike
- Huffington Post, 2/28: Drone War Costs: Air Force's Reported Budget Savings Come Under Scrutiny
- # Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 02/27: Fresh evidence of CIA civilian deaths in Pakistan revealed
- The Nation, 2/27: A Brief History of Drones
- # Common Dream/s, 2/26: Drone Makers Cash In as Other Nations, US Police Enter Market
- Al Jazeera, 2/25: Deaths in US drone strike in Somalia
- TomDispatch, 2/23: Remotely Piloted War, How Drone War Became The American Way of Life
- The Hindu (India), 2/25: In secret deal, ISI allows U.S. drone war to resume
[It is their fault!] - Reuters, 2/22: US pushed ahead with drone strikes despite Pakistani resistance
[It isn't their fault!] - The Telegraph, 2/22: British drone secrets stolen from Paris train station
[Where is 07 when you need him?] - Huffington Post, 2/22: Russ Feingold 'Pleased' Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Taken Out By Drone Strike
- 233 ABC Newcastle, 2/21: Drone journalism takes off
- ABC News, 2/21: US ramping up drone campaign
- Dawn (Pakistan), 2/21: DPC rally condemns drone attacks, military operations
[Drones at work keeping the world safe for Democracy!] - EurasiaNet, The Bugpit
- 2/21: Uzbek-Kazakh Drone Spat Turns Both Farcical And Serious
[It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SuperPower!] - 2/20: Kazakhstan Accuses Uzbekistan Of Drone Incursion
[Oh! Oh! Uzbekistan doesn't have any drones of their own. Hmmmmmm. ]
- 2/21: Uzbek-Kazakh Drone Spat Turns Both Farcical And Serious
- UK Progressive Op-Ed, 2/20: CIA Drone Strikes Targeting Funerals, Emergency Responders
- New York Times Op-Ed, 2/20:
- PolyMic, 2/20: Drone Use and Development Will Slow Down in Coming Years
- Pakistan Observer, 2/19: Drone strikes kill 24 in North Waziristan
[These are the same strikes reported below on the 16th with 21 (bbc) and 12 (cnn) casualties.
Other papers reported 12, 15, 16, 21. Higher counts reflect the civilians present.] - New York Times, 2/17:
- Drones Set Sights on US Skies
- Drones For Hire
[Interesting that they don't mention the OccuCopter!]
- Public Intelligence, 02/17: A Look At U.S. Drone Bases in Pakista
- Reuters, 2/17: France, Britain agree drone cooperation
- The Guardian, 2/17: Drone and nuclear deals to dominate Cameron-Sarkozy summit
- CNN, 2/16: U.S. drone strikes kill 12 in Pakistan, officials say
- BBC, 2/16: US drone strikes ‘kill [21] Pakistan militants’
- Reuters, 2/15: NATO to buy U.S.-made unmanned drone aircraft
- The Canadian, 2/14: Archons: Israel, NATO's drone terrorism -- Palestine and Pakistan
- Defense Professionsals, 2/13: IDF's Elite UAV Unit Undergoes Improvements
- The Daily Beast, In Newsweek, 2/13: Inside the Killing Machine
- Los Angeles Times, 2/13: Pentagon working with FAA to open U.S. airspace to combat drones
- The International News (Pakistan), 2/13: Drone attacks violate sovereignty of Pakistan
- Foreign Policy, 2/13: The Menace of Present & Future Drone Warfare
- # Global Research, 2/13: ORWELLIAN DRONES: "Eye in the Sky" Spying on Americans
- # Tom Dispatch, 2/13: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Prisons, Drones, and Black Ops in Afghanistan
- KBND News (Central Oregon), 2/10: Drone Test Sites Proposed for Central Oregon
- Forbes, 02/09: 10 Fun Facts About Drones
- Newsday, 2/09: Pakistan: Second US drone strike in 2 days; 3 dead
- New York Times, 2/09: Drone Kills Pakistani Militant, Official Says
- The Sun (UK), 2/08: Attack on the drones, Pakistan blasts US blitz, Hints they may hit back, Pledges support for Iran
- International Herald Tribune, 2/09: US public supports Obama's drone programme: Poll
- Los Angeles Times, 2/09: Anti-drone protester disrupts conference on drones in combat
- AOL Defense, 2/08: ‘Killer Drone’ Demo Marks HASC Chair McKeon's Speech
- UPI.com, 2/07: Safety an issue if drones fly over U.S.
- # Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, 2/06: NYT Lets Nameless Official Smear Drone Researchers as Al-Qaeda Fans
- Gizmodo, 2/06: North Korea’s New Killer Drone Is Made In the USA
- The Times of India, 2/06: Drones set to assist cops in Naxal operations
- The Business Insider, 2/05: This Nano Drone Swarm Is Astonishing And Unnerving In Equal Measure
[Saw a demo of the AI behind this a few years ago at a conference.
If they were Reapers (and they will be), it would be terrifying. Carpet bombing Dresden without pilots.] - Los Angeles Times, 2/05: McManus: Who reviews the U.S. 'kill list'?
- # Salon.com 2/05: U.S. drones targeting rescuers and mourners
- Airforce Times, 2/04: AF, firms seek UAV flights in civil air space
[Pro-Drone with many frightening details.] - # The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 2/04:
Obama terror drones: CIA tactics in Pakistan include targeting rescuers and funerals - Reuters, 2/03: NATO nations finally agree deal on drone project
- Fox News, 2/03: Surveillance drone crashes in Somali capital
[Brief AP sourced article says the drone crashed in a refugee camp.] - The Nation (Pakistan), 2/02: Owning drone attacks
- Dawn (Pakistan), 2/01: Amnesty seeks legal basis of US drone strikes in Pakistan
- Business Recorder (Pakistan), 2/01:
Protest against US drone attacks: Waziristan tribal elders to stage long march to Islamabad - The Atlantic, 2/01: Is Obama Deceiving Us About Drone Strikes?
- ACLU Blog of Rights, 2/01: ACLU Sues U.S. for Information on Targeted Killing Program
- Washington Post, 2/01: ACLU sues to force release of drone attack records
- January, 2012
- Wall Street Journal, 1/31: Advanced Defense Technologies, Inc. (ADTI) Enters $11 Billion a Year Drone and UAV Market
- Russia Today, 1/30: Iraqis terrified of US drones
- Haaretz (Israel) 1/30: Massive military drone crashes, technical glitch fingered as culprit
- Los Angeles Times, 1/30: Obama defends 'judicious' use of drone strikes during online Q&A
- Canadian News Aggregator (Reuters), 1/30: Obama: U.S. drone use in Iraq very limited
- Los Angeles Times, 1/30: FAA delays issuing proposed rules on small drones in airspace
- # Salon.com, 01/30: Lessons from Iraqi outrage over US drones
- New York Times, 1/29: U.S. Drones Patrolling Its Skies Provoke Outrage in Iraq
- AV Web Aviation News, 1/27: X-47 Drone Testing Sparks Ethical Warfare Debate
- UPI, 1/27: New UAV demontrated for Marines
- Israel Matzav, 1/27: Israel cuts Turkey off from UAV technology
- Wall Street Journal, 1/26: U.S. Plan 30% increase in use of Unmanned Drones
- Standard Examiner, 1/26: New drone can land on aircraft carrier
[And it's autonomous(-:] - Google New, (AFP) 1/26: Pakistan religious party condemns drone attacks
[At a rally attended by more than 100,000] - # Counterpunch.org 1/25: In the Age of Rootic Weapons
- The Nation (Pakistan), 1/25:
- Desert News (Salt Lake City), 1/25: Army seeking public input on drone testing program
- Fox News, 1/24: Pentagon to Cut Air Force Drone Program
[Not surpising given the Iranians have one.] - Reuters, 1/22: Exclusive: How Pakistan helps the U.S. drone campaign
- # SF Bayview, 1/22: Cynthia McKinney: U.S. war machine pervades Africa
- # The Houston Chronicle, 1/22: It’s Time To End The Pakistan Drone Strikes
- Military & Aerospace Electronics, 1/22: Lockheed Martin moves ahead with developing green hybrid UAV
- PilotOnline.com (AP) 1/21: McDonnell Seeks Unmanned Drone Facility for VA
- # Global Research, 1/21: Drone Secrecy and the "Unmanned Combat Air Systems Concept of Use"
- The Aviationist, 1/20: First European experimental stealth combat drone rolled out: the nEUROn UCAV almost ready for flight
- Kalleej Times (UAE), 1/20: US deploys drone to track Iran moves
- AOL Defense, 1/20: Army Presses FAA For Drone Flight Training Rights
- Huffington Post, 1/19: Aslam Awan, Senior al Qaeda Figure, Killed In Drone Strike
- RIA Novosti, 1/18: Russia Allocates $160 Mln for Drone Development
- ** Rochester City Newspaper 1/17: Drones Close to Home
- # Antiwar.com 1/17: Turkish Officials: Israeli Drone Surveillance Data Given to PKK
[Let the games begin!] - Reuters Africa, 1/17: REUTERS MAGAZINE-The drone war
[A Must Read! First hand testimony of Taliban prisoner.] - Wired Danger Room, 1/17: Every Day, Army’s Panopticon Drone Will Collect 80 Years’ Worth of HD Video
[Looks simple, but who could process all this data?] - IO9, 1/17: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: coming soon to a sky near you
[Thoughtful, informative article on a Sci Fi site] - Washington Post, 1/15: Radio communications indicate US drone strike may have killed Pakistani Taliban leader
- Today's Zaman (Turkey), 1/15: Report: TSK yet to provide videos of UAV videos of Uludere airstrike
[Apparently a Turkish airstrike on the border between Iraq and Turkey that killed 35 civilians who were mistaken for PKK activists, may have been called in by a Drone. The US has Drones based at Incirlik which are available for Turkish military use.] - # Tom Dispatch, 1/15: Tomgram: Nick Turse, Drone Disasters
- The Republic (Columbus Indiana) 1/14: Mesa County sheriff buys drone airplane for search-rescue operations, investigations
- FierceCIO TechWatch, 1/13: Airforce Drone Control System Now Runs on Linux
[This is important because they were running on Windows, which is why they were subject to viruses.] - UPI.com, 1/13: Australia buys portable UAV landing mat
- # Common Dreams, 101/13: New Report Details Extent of US Military Reliance on Drones
- Think Progress: Security, 1/13: Privacy Group ‘No Information Available to the Public’ on Domestic Drones
- Reuters, 1/13: U.S. still using drones like one downed in Iran
- Associated Press, 1/12: Drone helping mission to ship fuel to Alaska town
- # Yes! 01/12: The (RControlled) War at Home
[Informative in depth inemote terview with Ed Kinane of Syracuse Peace Council.] - # AntiWar.com 1/12: Pakistan Condemns Resumption of Drone War
- Huffington Post, 1/12; Pakistan Suspected Drone Strike Kills 6 Militants In North Waziristan
- Wired Magazine, Danger Room, 1/09: Almost 1 In 3 U.S. Warplanes Is a Robot
- Pakistan Observer, 01/09: Tough Stance Works
[Ending Drone strikes reduced Suicide Bomings.] - Tehran Times, 01/08 US Drone Targeted Civilians in Turkey
- New York Times, 01/07: Lull in Strikes by U.S. Drones Aids Militants in Pakistan
[Pakistan paper reflects opposite message.] - Information Clearing House, 01/06: U.S. Turns to Drones to Counter China
- ** Syracuse Post Standard, 1/05: Chances of Central New York drone flights improve as new law allows six national test sites
- Online International News (Pakistan), 01/03: Drone attacks from Bagram to deteriorate Pakistan-Afghan ties
[This is actually favorable to US objectives.] - Payvand News, 1/2/12: ‘Drone's sensors prove U.S. act of espionage on Iran’: Iranian Admiral
[Looks like they have some idea of what they are talking about.] - Twin Cities Daily Planet, 1/2/12: PRM seeks drone policy documents from the Justice Department
[Important bit of investigative journalism.] - Daily Tech, 1/2/12: USMC Testing Unmanned Drone Helicopter in Afghanistan
- Gulf News (UAE), 1/2/12: Death squad singles out informants
- Wired Magazine (UK), 1/1/12: 25 big ideas for 2012: Drone hacking
[Gotta love it!] - Arizona Daily Star, 1/1/12: Under Obama, a huge rise in drone strikes
[Long and mostly favorable, BUT talks about suppression of dissent within the Obama administration.] - Zanesvill Times Recorder, 1/1/12: U.S. opened Pandora's box with drones
[Excellent commentary from a small town newspaper.] - Press TV (Iran), 1/1/12: Congress in dark over US drone program
[We need them to tell us?] - The Times of India, 1/01: Cargo drone to rescue of areas strewn with bombs
- Online International News (Pakistan), 1/01: Drone attacks remained ineffective against militant leaders: CMC
Happy New Year. 2012 has only just begun, and already we are hearing some innovative responses. It should be an interesting year when it comes to the escalation of Drone use, Drone coverage, and Drone acvism. All have increased exponentially since our die in at Hancock Air National Guard Base last spring.